Thursday, January 28, 2016

Product Review 1.24.16

Hey Skin care Addicts!! Just a little post on a mask that I tried recently and wanted to tell you about!

Que Bella 
tea tree and witch hazel mud mask!

I found this mask at Target and it was only 1.50. At that price, why not!! I happened to be breaking out a little when I got it so it was perfect timing! This mask was well worth it. It has a slight tingly feeling but the packaging stated that was normal! It stays on for about 15 minutes then removed with warm water. The tea tree made my face feel so purified! the next day my acne spots didn't look as inflamed as they did the day before. I will be buying more of this brand! Great for oily to normal skin!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Skin Care Lines I Love

Hey Skin-a-holics! Ive attached links to some skin care lines that I've tried multiple products in and I LOVED! Hopefully you do too!!

1) Earth Science
Earth Science
Can be purchased online or at Whole Foods

2)Clarity Rx
Can be purchased online or at any Hand and Stone Massage and Facial Spa

3) Alba Botanica

Can be purchased online, kroger, Target, and most drug stores


can be purchased at any Ulta, Sephora, or online

5)Burts Bees

Can be purchased at Target, Kroger, Ulta, or online


Can only be purchased at a Lush Store or online

7) Trader Joes Skin Care

Can only be purchased at Trader Joes. I saw it on Amazon but you can never trust someone didn't fill the product with something else. 

8) Aveda
Can only be purchased at an Aveda retailer or online. 

Good Read: My friends over at also have tried over 300 cleansers to find the BEST products for our skin!! I've linked that post here!

Im almost out of a few products so I'll be able to try more lines and post individual reviews!!! I like to wait until I'm out before I buy more! If you have a line you want me to try just e-mail me! 
-Until Next Post, MAKE GOOD CHOICES!

Acne: Part 2

Teenage Acne
I've had some moms bring in teenagers and want a product that will magically keep all their acne away all the time. There is no such thing that will 100% keep away all their acne at all times. They are teenagers and they will get acne because their hormones are going all crazy! Something you can do to help if you are the parent or even the teenager reading this, getting a proper skin care regiment down now WILL help at least control your breakouts. Its important to wash your face twice a day no matter how tired you are.

If you play a sport I HIGHLY recommend getting some Cleansing cloths. Birts Bees has some really good natural ones that are inexpensive too! Throw them in your backpack and after a practice or game wipe all that sweat off your face so its not sitting there. especially if you wear helmets or any kind of face masks that can harbor old sweat.

Products I highly recommend for teenage acne:
-Tea tree oil (2 drops once a day)
-products with salicylic acid
-gel cleansers
-light moisturizers (dont not moisturize because you feel oily, your skin still needs it!)
-clay masks
-charcoal masks or cleansers
-toners (rebalances natural Ph of skin

1)Dont exfoliate everyday. This strips away the natural oils you skin needs so your skin is overproducing oil. I recommend no more than 2 times a week.

2)Get a clay mask you can use once or twice a week. Clay helps absorb excess oil without drying you out!

3) Charcoal products act as a magnet to dirt and oil. This is great for those of you who are super active and need that extra something everyday. ( I will be doing some reviews of charcoal products next month)

Acne is annoying and frustrating. Dont give up! We've all been there and please email me if you want to get a perfect routine down for you!

Adult Acne
The first thing about adult acne is it is NOT the same as teenage acne. It should NOT be treated the same either. There are so many causes of acne just like there are so many different versions of a cold.

Birth control can take 6 months to a year for your skin to adjust when going on or off it. Adult acne could be a result of whats going on internally as well.

Adult acne could also be the result of a new food allergy. if you think this could be you I highly recommend going to a dermatologist so they can go through that process of figuring out what it is your allergic to.

If you have just given birth or are breast feeding, your hormones are going absolutely crazy resulting in acne. This could take a few months to clear up.

Stress and that time of the month are another major cause of adult acne. Usually  you will break out along your jaw and chin area.

This chart above is an acneic facial chart. It is believed that whatever part of your face is in a breakout is telling you something internally is off. For example, if you eat a lot of junk foods and you have a lot of acne in your cheeks (Red) your body is telling you it needs better food choices. There are different versions of this chart online this is just the one i reference the most :)

-lavender oil or Tea tree. If more severe, use tea tree. If less severe, use lavender.
-No salicylic acid. Its too harsh and meant more for teenage acne
-Determine your skin type ( see previous posts) and follow that regimen
-use more natural products such as whole foods brands. your skin could be more sensitive to drugstore brands. I like Alba botanical products and Earth Science products. 
-exfoliate once a week. no more than that or it could cause more acne. 

Blizzard of 2016 **

Hey skin-a-holics! It's been too long! I have been busy busy and haven't had time to write a post in a while! It is still currently snowing here in Richmond and will continue until early tomorrow morning. Its been a blizzard outside since yesterday morning. My pups are enjoying it but me not so much. Our 7 month old puppy Sampson is really enjoying his first snow experience! We also have a husky named bear who of coarse like any husky loves it! Hope everyone is enjoying their snow days and staying safe!

Bear and Sampson

Since I will be snowed in for the next few days there will be no more excuses! I will be adding more into the Acne series you guys love and posting more product reviews! If you're snowed in like me, take this time to let your skin breathe! Take off the make up, put on a hydrating mask if you have any, and relax!! 
-Until next post, MAKE GOOD CHOICES! 


Sunday, January 3, 2016

Plastic Microbeads Now Banned.

Read this and thought I'd share it with you all!  The U.S bans plastic microbeads in facial cleansers. there are cleansers out there that are NOT plastic. Hopefully now the companies will create an environmentally friendly version of these products!

Product Review #4

Hey All!! I hope your christmas and new years was as amazing as mine! What better way to start the year off right then create the perfect skincare routine?! Ive been trying 2 new products for you all over the holidays and I'm really excited to tell you all about them! 

Product 1:
Burts Bees Facial Cleansing Toweletts

I have been trying this product for 2 weeks now and I am in LOVE! My mascara is extremely stubborn to get off and this product made it so much easier to get all of it completely off! The other night i came home from new years completely exhausted. I did not feel like washing my face that night at all. I just used one of the towelettes then moisturized after and called it a night! I dont recommend this for every night but once in a while is ok! road trips, long flights, long nights, they are great. Love love love! 

Product 2:
Alaffias' Everyday Coconut Facial Toner for All skin types

I purchased this product about a week before christmas at Whole Foods. I have to say this product has grown on me! When I first introduced this into my skincare routine i did break out a little but thats normal sometimes when changing your routine. Its in a great spray bottle so I know I can't overuse it. definitely a good product for all you coconut oil lovers! Again, highly recommend!