Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Scar Trial week 1 (6.28)

Hey Y'all!! Its been too long my skin-a-holics! I've had an unusual morning. My dog fell out of bed flailing and ended up scratching my eye pretty bad. No stitches, but the ER doctor did end up gluing it. she said I would have a scar after it healed and Im taking this as an opportunity for a little skincare experiment! Vitamin E oil is extremely good for helping the skin heal and help reduce the appearance of scars! I have my Vitamin-E infused products and Oil ready to go! Every week I will post a progress pic to show you.

Pre- glue

Post glue

The Products I will be using morning and night. 
Cleanser: Earth Science A-D-E  Creamy oil Cleanser
Toner: Coconut Water Toner
Eye Cream: E.L.F illuminating Eye Cream 
Trader Joes Vitamin E Oil
Moisturizer: Derma- E Vitamin-E 12,000 IU Creme
Alba Botanica SPF 30 

If you have scarring some things to remember are the sun is your worse enemy. The sun will darken the scar making it more visible and all the vitamin E skin care in the world won't do anything unless you protect the scar with sunscreen repeatedly throughout the day or protect it with certain clothing.