Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Acne part 3

Common Acne Misconceptions 

1) The skin is already oily so you dont need Moisturizer
False.  A light moisturizer will actually help keep the pores open after you cleanse helping prevent new blemishes from forming.

2) Toothpaste helps dry up acne so its O.K right?
False. toothpaste is an irritant to skin and will make your skin more red and could even cause the spot to peel. Use a specific acne spot treatment instead!

3) Using rough cleansers and exfoliants daily will treat acne
False. This can cause your skin to over produce oil on your skin not only causing an over production of oil, but even more breakouts.

4) Using a form of rubbing alcohol on your face will treat
EXTREMELY FALSE!!!!! This will cause so much more damage to your skin.it may make your skin feel better but rubbing alcohol actually breaks down skin cells in your pores. which means those pores are filling with dead skin cells causing more acne.

5) Washing your face more than 2x per day
Again, nope. This is stripping away any form of oils your skin needs making it dry and irritated and actually causes more acne.  2x per day is the perfect amount :)

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